
Development of a website based on VueJS with cross-platform mobile app for Android and iOS

Co2ntra is a non-profit company from Dresden, which is committed to sustainable projects in environmental protection.

Company: Non-profit organization Co2ntra

Branch: Environmental protection

Location: Dresden



Under the motto “Enough talk, we act – and we act now”, Co2ntra is campaigning for a reduction in CO2 emissions. Through the development of an app and website, users will be able to calculate their footprint and contribute to reducing emissions by supporting climate-friendly projects.


UI of the App Co2ntraKontext-e developed a website based on VueJS and a cross-platform mobile app for Android and iOS with ReactNative. The REST backend was realized with Spring. Kontext-e supported the local partner from Dresden in gathering the requirements. From this, a scalable architecture was derived, which was implemented with a technology stack consisting of JavaScript for the frontends and Java for the backend.

Our expertise in this project includes:

  • Web App, Mobile App
  • Requirements analysis
  • Project management
  • Architecture management
  • VueJS, ReactNative 
  • JavaScript
  • Spring
  • Java 11

Jan Heuer-Theurich

Software Development

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